Taking this quirky cape to #MODERNCAPE

FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM TO SEE more of the final reveal!

It’s beginning ❄️🎄….
#reinventingtheraisedranch #raisedranchchristmas #raisedranch #raisedranchkitchen #splitlevelhouse #bilevelhome #openshelvingkitchen #christmaskitchendecor #gingerbreadhouse #thriftedhome #goodwillfinds #glitter #reindeer #twinklelights

Officially hit the market. Contact @annettepalmieri_realtor at @compass for more info!
#projectlittlebrook #capestylehome #coastalcape #coastaldecor #moderncape #homeflipping #homedecor

Project Littlebrook will be officially on the market tomorrow. Originally a 2 bedroom 1 bath ranch style home, we turned it into a 3 bed 2.5 bath modern cape. This view has come a long way!
#homerenovation #homereno #homedesign #kitchendesign #kitchenlighting #openconcept #moderncape #capehouse #capehome #moderncoastalcape #kitchenisland

Sneak peak of Project Littlebrook….
#fairfieldct #projectlittlebrook #homerenovation #homedesign #homedesignideas #capecod #capehome #moderncape #exteriorhomedesign #fixerupper #fliphouses #comingsoonct

Working late to get this cutie ready! 🌱💫✨.
#fairfieldct #homeremodel #capehome #moderncape #coastalcape #cthomes #frontdoor #frontentance #exteriordesign #exteriorlighting #portico

Flower boxes are finally filling out. How’s your garden this year?
#reinventingtheraisedranch #raisedranch #raisedranchexterior #raisedranchremodel #raisedranchflowerboxes #flowerbox #flowerboxes #summergarden #ferns #splitlevelhouse #bilevelhome #exteriordesign #homedesign #boardandbattensiding #boardandbatten #exteriorlighting #frontdoor #landscaping

Update on Project Little Brook. The front has come a long way! Let’s vote on what color the front door should be!

Project update! Taking a one story ranch and adding a second floor. Stairs are in!
#littlebrookct #fairfieldct #homerenovation #homeremodel #stairs #hometransformation #comingsoonfairfieldct

🌿simple summer decor.
#reinventingtheraisedranch #raisedranch #raisedranchremodel #raisedranchentry #frontdoordecor #windowboxes #ferns #blackandwhite #summerdecor #splitlevelhome #raisedranchexterior #raisedranchrenovation #raisedranchinspo #homedesign

You can turn a 1970s Raised Ranch into a home you love! #reinventingtheraisedranch